This is Why You Save Everything Locally!

So earlier this week I was googling something related to SQLite databases, and came across a rather interesting topic on reading them locally using Javascript. At the bottom of the ‘answer’, I found a link to a blog with more information: And what did I find when I went there? This: An unhappy message saying …

#26 Flash

It had been 6 months since the day when Mark found the list in an old hoodie he was putting on for the first time that September. It wasn’t too remarkable – just a list of chores for the day, 11 months ago. call insurance agent buy eggs call Kelsey’s school drop off Jo’s car print …

#25 Road Warrior

He settled into the seat with the drink. “That kinda tastes like chocolate milk”, she said as she glanced over at him. He nodded in reply, and she went back to her papers. He opened up the lid of the laptop and connected the wireless. A few dozen new emails poured into his inbox just …

#20 Jabberpaw FAQ

Everything you’d want to know about our torrent loving bear friend. Name: Jabberpaw T. Mezzyuup Occupation: Scary bear in the woods Age: 10 Favorite Color: Grey Favorite Food: Bunny rabbits Favorite Leisure Activity: Watching movies, chilling in his cave, terrorizing smaller animals. Best Friend: Sylvester the Snake Internet Service Provider: TurtleNet (For now… may be …