Jenna sat on the plane, at the start of her two hour flight home. She’d been away for a few weeks, and was eager to get back to her world. As she at buckled into her window seat, she began to think about her life. Always a bright girl, she had just finished four weeks …
#42 Rage
Tim was always a little bit of a loser. Not that anyone ever called him that. Most people referred to him as ‘meek’, ‘mild’, or ‘reserved’. All of those meant that he wasn’t exactly known to be the life of the party, the outgoing guy everyone wants to hang with, or the man you’d most …
#37 What If
What if in the moment that we die, death arrives
offering us the opportunity to stay in that second
for as long as we like.
How long do we stay behind?
#33 Eeek!
“Eeek!”, the author exclaimed. “What is it?”, was said in reply. “I didn’t write my story for today yet”, was all she heard as he flew to his computer. “Now what can I write about…”, he said, as visions of sugar plums and dynamite, cannons and catnip, dragons and bagpipes, and all other forms of …
#31 To Do List
The list grows long and short again I wish it would be gone some days It makes one long for the time when I simply sought relaxing ways But now it’s ever near me Shorter and longer it forms Checking items is the key Keeping away from life’s storms. [SSDay]
#26 Flash
It had been 6 months since the day when Mark found the list in an old hoodie he was putting on for the first time that September. It wasn’t too remarkable – just a list of chores for the day, 11 months ago. call insurance agent buy eggs call Kelsey’s school drop off Jo’s car print …
The Bookmarklet Combiner is Awesome – and So Are These Bookmarklets
A bookmarklet is a small piece of javascript code that is run by clicking on a bookmark on your browser’s toolbar. Lots of sites have them, and I use a bunch in my daily life. One thing that’s annoying is the requirement that each has it’s own bookmark on your toolbar – so after 3-4 …
Continue reading “The Bookmarklet Combiner is Awesome – and So Are These Bookmarklets”
#13 Attention to Detail
He had a keen sense for details, and she hated that about him. As they walked along the beach, he might interrupt the sunset to comment on the missing screw in the “swim at own risk” sign. As they stood at the train station, he’d point out the open plastic weather flap over the bolt …
#10 Staring Her Down
He sat on the edge of his seat, while she looked at him. They’d been together for so long, seen so many things together, and been through the good and the bad. It was hard to believe that she was the only constant in his life up till this point. They’d met in highschool, and …
#8 Winning Big
Mary couldn’t believe her eyes. The numbers matched – all of them. And the special number in red – it matched too! A few hours later, it was confirmed. The lady from the lottery commission had accepted the ticket, done the paperwork, and scheduled the press conference. Tomorrow, Mary would go from a broke single …