Dear Mr. Bean, I feel compelled to write an open letter to you on behalf of my many friends who display a certain addiction to you. While I, myself, enjoy a cup of coffee on a regular basis, I have yet to experience all mood changes, productivity lapses, anti-social behavior incidents, temporary bouts of insanity, …
#5 Driving By The Woods on a Snowy Evening
(a modern re-imagining of Robert Frost’s original) Whose woods are these? The GPS does know. It chirps along as I drive to and fro. It will not see me stopping here, The arriving text says I have to go. My little hybrid must think it queer To stop without a charger near Between the woods …
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#4 Overheard
The stairwell was dark, and all he could focus on was his heavy breathing. His heart raced faster than it had ever gone in his entire life, something he knew with certainty due to the heart rate monitoring watch he’d bought on a whim. He desperately tried to calm down, but how could he? He …
#3 The General
The General wears lifts, his power projects he strides wherever he wants The General plays it cool, straight, direct he strives to be nonchalant The General smirks at others, respect he commands he’ll strike you down with information and wit The General hides his insecurities, his worries, his fear but his perfectionism won’t stop him …
#2 Freezing
“Watch tonight, I’ll be freezing”, said the lady as she walked into the cafe. She was just starting her shift, doomed to repeat an eight to ten hour cycle that she had done countless times before. She would prepare the same things, for the same people, for nearly the same price, and receive the same …
#1 Bob the Turtle & Jim The Bunny
It’s been a pretty stressful month for me, so to release, I figure I should start a new creative writing project called A Short Story a Day. Today’s short story is a bit whimsical (and uses a bit of ‘strong’ language, so reader discretion is advised) and is my start on this journey. Let’s see …
First Goal Hit & Thoughts on Owning a Scale
Note: I totally meant to write this last week, however other tasks came up that stopped me. So this is actually two entries at once. The bold part is what I’m writing today, and the part that begins “Nearly 4 weeks ago” was started last week (albeit finished today). Before we get to thoughts …
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Public Service Announcement
So a full RCIP update will be coming later this week, but until then, here is Jon’s public service announcement for those of you thinking of trying to eat healthier breakfasts on the go: Dannon Light and Fit 60 calorie yogurt containers should have “fragile” written on them On a related note, I’m glad I …
What Is The RCIP?
RCIP is the abbreviation I’m using for something that is definitely not a diet. No sir, no way, it’s not a diet at all. Diet means, at least to me, that I’d deny myself parts of my life that I find highly enjoyable in the vain goal of looking better. Diets are what stick-thin people …
Come And Get It: Mandate Now Available (& On Sale!)
It’s ready, it’s ready, it’s ready!!! Got some time this weekend and feel like reading something that someone you know has written? Well you’ve come to the right place. Mandate is done, and ready for you in a bunch of different formats! First, check out the Preview if you want to read the first chapter. …
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