Franklin, the Ghost Who Successfully Evicted Hipsters from His Home, Parts 1 & 2

On October 1, 2019, two new books of mine will be released! One of them is a short story collection. The star is a little ghost named Franklin, who just doesn’t get the whole haunting thing. Interested to read the first 2 parts (of 4) of Franklin’s story, and to see the Table of Contents …


As promised, when my Facebook Author page reached 200, I wrote a story based upon poll results. Here’s the Evil Item of Clothing story… “He was shot in both eyes?”, Detective Horne said, incredulously. “Yes, apparently so, although the killer was a bit off with the left eye – it was slightly off center. Right …

Monday Haiku Revisited

An artist named Mike Meulstree took my Monday Haiku from a few months ago and made a very nice piece of art! Hope the struggle isn’t too real for my readers and friends today! Listen, we're all on the struggle bus. It's Monday. —-#Haiku by @jonwestfallLettering by yours truely—-#handlettering #type #design #thedailytype #goodtype #letters #typespire …