Don’t get me wrong – I like Coke Freestyle machines. In this case, I don’t feel any sort of choice paralysis!
Science & Engineering are Cool
In the city this wonderful Sunday morning to judge the prelims at the New York Science and Engineering Fair. Should be fun. We’re about to get our ‘orientation’, so I guess I’d better listen up!
First Goal Hit & Thoughts on Owning a Scale
Note: I totally meant to write this last week, however other tasks came up that stopped me. So this is actually two entries at once. The bold part is what I’m writing today, and the part that begins “Nearly 4 weeks ago” was started last week (albeit finished today). Before we get to thoughts …
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Mandate Update & Unreleased Tidbits!
Since most of my public updates on Mandate, my novel, have come in the form of quick Twitter posts and status updates, I figured I’d actually write down some more than 140 characters to let everyone know where I’m at. And while I’m at it, I’m going to let slip a few things that no …
Mandate: Jon’s Interactive Book Project
So for awhile I’ve been thinking of writing a novel, and tonight an idea came to me. 2 ideas actually, and I’m going to tell you 1% of the first idea, and 100% of the second. Confused? OK, let’s go… The 1% of the first idea? The title of the book will be “Mandate”. That’s …