Peer Pressure

For every kid whose parent warned them about peer pressure, consider this. Each morning this winter, I’ve stood on the train platform, safely enclosed in a small heated room, provided to commuters to wait in. The room isn’t very big, but its big enough, and its about 60 degrees, as opposed to the below freezing …

#12 Dreams

A contact lens tinted green. Buttons I had never seen. A stolen car causing me to scream. Thank God it was all a dream. A 107 dollar gas bill. A snarky boss I’d want to kill. Running late onto the scene. Unenjoyable crazy dream! [SSDay]

#8 Winning Big

Mary couldn’t believe her eyes. The numbers matched – all of them. And the special number in red – it matched too! A few hours later, it was confirmed. The lady from the lottery commission had accepted the ticket, done the paperwork, and scheduled the press conference. Tomorrow, Mary would go from a broke single …

#7 Dinosaur BBQ

Tim couldn’t quite reach the back of the grill with his stumpy little arms. It was infuriating, however today he decided not to deal with it in the typical manner (eating the grill) – he decided to simply get Frank to flip the burgers. Unfortunately Frank was even more disabled than Tim. (I think I …