#76 Ever Notice

Ever notice to your dismay that 6 AM is ok on Sunday But during the week when you wish to sleep There is no keeping the alarm at bay! Authors Note: I’m going to try to get some more sleep today, but we’ll see… grr! [SSDay]

#75 Surprises

Leo woke up not to the sound of his alarm clock, but to a loud knocking at his door. It was 4 AM, well before his 5:30 AM alarm. He put on his robe and went to the door to find a policeman. “Are you Mr. Hickman?”, the cop asked. “Uh… no – Hickman lives …

#73 If Tomorrow

If tomorrow you ceased to exist completed failed to be You wouldn’t notice it at all It would mean nothing to thee Because you fail to exist absolutely with no doubt You cannot despair the fact Because you never found out So enjoy today in all highs, lows, and mundane For tomorrow you may cease …

#70 Routine

Jenny walked out of the elevator toward her office, with Winston beside her. He seemed to lag a bit behind, and didn’t respond to her continuing conversation about tasks at hand. “You ok?”, she asked as she peered behind herself. “Yea… just noticed that they put down a new rug in front of the elevator”, …

#69 Elevator Etiquette

Ed stepped onto the elevator as usual, with a long line of people behind him. After the long day of going up countless stairs, he was happy taking the extra few minutes to ride the elevator up and down. Being able-bodied, however, made him vow to be as courteous as possible. He immediately pressed the …

#67 Beer

The first time it tastes of bad bread The third time it tastes stale instead The fifth time it tastes anew Subsequent times is when it gets you! [SSDay]