The stairwell was dark, and all he could focus on was his heavy breathing. His heart raced faster than it had ever gone in his entire life, something he knew with certainty due to the heart rate monitoring watch he’d bought on a whim. He desperately tried to calm down, but how could he? He …
#2 Freezing
“Watch tonight, I’ll be freezing”, said the lady as she walked into the cafe. She was just starting her shift, doomed to repeat an eight to ten hour cycle that she had done countless times before. She would prepare the same things, for the same people, for nearly the same price, and receive the same …
Mandate: Jon’s Interactive Book Project
So for awhile I’ve been thinking of writing a novel, and tonight an idea came to me. 2 ideas actually, and I’m going to tell you 1% of the first idea, and 100% of the second. Confused? OK, let’s go… The 1% of the first idea? The title of the book will be “Mandate”. That’s …
Building Software Based Experiments: Techniques, Tools, and Tips
Welcome to Jon Westfall’s Software Based Experiment Resource site. This site will begin it’s life to serve as a supplement to my contribution to the SJDM Computing Symposium, and continue on as a resource to other social scientists that seek simple solutions to building software. (Whoa, Holy Alliteration Batman!) If you have any questions, feel …
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Getting Into A Psychology Graduate Program
I wrote the following How-To in order to help my fellow undergraduates understand the process of applying to Graduate School (specifically in psychology). It’s good information to have, considering that a concise (under 40 pages) How-To doesn’t really exist (as far as I could find). Hopefully this can help you or someone you know. And …
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