In this week’s podcast, I talk about Frequency Distributions, the shape of data, and the middle.
BP 10: Statistics!
On this week’s Battling Pickle Podcast, I talk about statistics – what they are, why correlation does not imply causation, and a bit on measurement scales. I mention Tyler Vigen’s great Spurious Correlations webpage as well!
BP 9: On Resubmit and Late Work
I discuss the relative merits of resubmission and late work. Here are also a few interesting additional resources: 1 & 2
BP 8: My Reactions to the Major Project
Remember when I talked about the Major Project in Battling Pickle Podcast 4? Well, the projects are in and I have my overall reactions to them!
Battling Pickle Podcast #7: RTI vs. MTSS
This week I cover the difference between RTI and MTSS with the help of this great blog piece. I also talk about how responses to my Midterm Survey in Psychology of Learning changed my mind about a change I was planning on making to the class!
Battling Pickle Podcast #6: Dealing with Trauma
In this episode I talk about how to deal with students who have experienced trauma in your classroom and at your institution, drawing heavily on the following resources: Trauma-Informed Practice in K-12 Schools: An Evidence-Based Practice Guide for School Administrators Trauma Doesn’t Stop at the School Door Here’s the episode:
I Understand Why Diet Books Sell So Well
Yesterday at our first in person orientation since 2019, I reminded a group of students that they paid tuition money to us to buy access to professors. Basically, come talk to us, listen to what we are telling you, because you’re paying for it. This means that what I know, as an experimental psychologist / …
BP 4 & 5: Major Projects, Learner Surveys, & The Pros of Standardized Testing
In these two podcasts, I first talk about what exactly I expect in a major project (Applicable to a number of classes I teach), and then in Podcast 5, I talk about the Pros of Standardized Testing (With discussion of these two articles: 1 2 Enjoy!
Plateaus, Milestones, and the Secret Food List: 3 Years, 200 Pounds
This is the third in a series of posts about my fitness journey. If you haven’t read them, here are links to parts 1 and 2. The past few months have been ones of revelation, plateau, and reaching goals. I found out I was an athlete, my body decided it was happy in a spot, …
Continue reading “Plateaus, Milestones, and the Secret Food List: 3 Years, 200 Pounds”
On Accessibility… or why I answer emails as they come in.
I’ve always been an Inbox Zero kind of guy, although lately with the whole pandemic thing, that idea has gotten less attractive to many. Yet here I am, still throwing replies out there as quickly as I can, searching for the all elusive “0 messages” banner at the top of my email client. Why? Well …
Continue reading “On Accessibility… or why I answer emails as they come in.”